
Work-In-Progress: Upcoming Unity Stylized Tree Pack

Check out an update video of the production of Unity stylized tree pack from Tehks.

Indie developer and designer Tehks gave an update on the production process of his Unity stylized tree asset pack. The sneak peek shows the latest iterations made with the assets in all four seasons of the year. Take a look!

Inspired by the autumn colors of nature outside, Tehks decided to create a pack to recreate the atmosphere with a quick and easy-to-use Unity assets pack that comes with variations of trees and grass. Previous updates revealed a few awesome features such as changing the colors to create the right season of the year and a collection of leaves of different trees — birch, oak, ash, and so on.

The pack is still to be released, don’t forget to check for the updates. Meanwhile, a breakdown by Dragos Matkovski might come in handy for you if you want to learn more about stylized natural environment production step by step.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    hey there !
    i don't know this asset has been released or what ; i am still waiting for it

    if you can tell me or give me link to that then this will really help me


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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