
Procedural Parking Spot Generator in Houdini

Andrea Riccardi has presented a cool procedural parking spot generator he created in Houdini.

The artist states that he created the project for an art test in 8 hours using Houdini.

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Starting from a base, he had to set up a parking spot, adding as many customization options as he could. 

Graph Overview

"This has been a fun challenge since I never actually dug into procedural generation before, and since it came out pretty good I decided to publish it and add some quick renders of possible configurations," noted Riccardi.

Cutting the shape into parking spots

Just imagine how much time you could save when creating scenes and game levels. 

Stripe pivots generation and cutting from the main shape

Valid parking rows selection and attribute generation for scatter tuning

You can learn more about the project here

Wall and entrance scattering

UV unwrap and triangular mesh generation

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