
Weapon Art: The Design Production of Singularity Set for Valorant

Learn the details of the weapon design production for the Valorant game and the team’s approach to experimenting with 3D art.

Mike Stubbs from Forbes talked to the developers of Valorant and found the details of the Singularity set production, focusing on the art direction and experimenting.

The team members definitely allow each other to go free with their imagination, create various designs, and then ask for thoughts from each other. Such an attitude to creativity seems to be a part of the team’s philosophy.

“We always try to have oh shit moments. Artists will go do what they're doing, and it could be a sound that we hear or a visual effect. Usually, as we're working on something there's that moment [where] you bring somebody over and ask what do you think of this? Then their eyes go wide and they say oh shit. That sort of like defines for us, okay, we have something good.”

Sean Marino, Premium Art Lead

During the discussion, the team also shared how they approach the style of the Singularity set, worked on the visual effects of it when it’s in different conditions, and the creation of the Singularity skin.

“For Singularity, there was initially this cool effect where if the gun was idle, it would have some jittering, like the actual rocks themselves would become unstable. It kind of fits into the whole idea of like, this unstable, powerful, unknown crystal from a far-future type thing, what is powering this? It was pretty cool. But even like a year ago when we were testing that, I remember thinking, ah, this is probably too much but we'll figure it out when we get closer [to launch] as we learn more about skins.” 

Preeti Khanolkar, Premium Content Producer

Find more details in the article on Forbes. 

If you’re interested in weapon art and design, in particular, then you might find interesting the breakdown by Patrick Sutton on his approach to the production, design, and presentation of 3D weapons.  

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