
Russian Cyberpolice: Police Dog Robots and Holograms of Fugitives

Birchpunk released one more awesome CGI news report and this time it's about Russian cyberpolice trying to catch a criminal who robbed a jewellery store.

The news report begins with one of Staritsa city's policemen recording a video message for his long-distance girlfriend named Jessica. He shows her the mighty "UAZik" — a bulky Russian car the policemen use to drive around the city looking for dangerous criminals. The young man also proudly demonstrates the latest addition to the Russian police force — a police dog robot that is a multifunctional device capable of chasing criminals, acting as a lie detector, and sniffing around looking for suspicious scents.

The policemen catch a suspect who is supposedly guilty of stealing a hologram ring from the jewellery store but he manages to escape. Together with the robodog, the brave cyberpolicemen start chasing the sneaky guy but fail miserably and almost give up. Now that's enough spoilers, you need to watch the rest.

Birchpunk's video features absolutely stunning VFX and CG graphics. From the fugitive "most wanted" hologram to ridiculously cheap-looking neon signs like "Svetlana's bakery", "GREAT DEALS!", and "Staritsa diamonds" every detail of every single scene is a true masterpiece. The absolute absurdity of modern high-end technology in the ocean of post-Soviet poverty is so striking it hurts.

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