
Reallusion Launched iClone 8.5 & Character Creator 4.5

With World Interaction and Smart Accessory system, 3D characters can now explore, operate, and manipulate props and accessories through interactive triggers or motion files.

Reallusion has shipped iClone 8.5 and Character Creator 4.5, the latest versions of their acclaimed 3D character creation and animation tools, extending the iClone's crowd animation toolset with two key innovations: World Interaction and Smart Accessory system, and addressing various issues in Character Creator 4.5 release.

Building on core features like Motion Director and Crowd Sim, World Interaction and Smart Accessory empower the creation of dynamic environments, allowing 3D characters to explore, operate props, and seamlessly load and manipulate accessories through interactive triggers or motion files.

Users can now generate a crowd of characters, each with distinct accessories, automatically link mocap motions to prop animations such as skateboarding, and trigger MD performances for objects being held.

World Interaction simplifies the way crowd characters engage with their environment by introducing a new asset type called MD Props, which trigger interactions and behaviors in nearby crowd actors so they can now be aware of their surrounding environments, interact with objects of interest, or be directed to perform specific actions via player-centric controls.

The indoor and outdoor expansion packs provide numerous ways to showcase MD Props' versatility. Each prop includes both male and female animation sets, offering unique gender-specific performances. You can easily swap the MD Prop placeholders with your custom models or adjust the animations to fit different interactive scenarios.

The Staying At Home MD Prop pack infuses home settings with cozy, domestic charm, offering 14 interactive props and hundreds of home-inspired animations for male and female characters:

With Down The Street's 10 masterfully crafted MD Props, street-side interactions can be automated to achieve natural performances every time. Hundreds of trigger animations enable characters to sit, lean, or rest, with common actions like using a vending machine, ordering drinks, smoking, and performing on the street integrated for realistic behavior:

Character Creator 4.5 is a bugfix update that addresses issues with the GoZ plug-in for ZBrush, as well as problems related to props, accessories, and hair.

Learn more about iClone 8.5 and Character Creator 4.5 in the release notes and join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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