
Realistic River Simulation Made With the FluidNinja Live Plug-In & Unreal Engine

The simulation runs at 110 FPS on a GTX 1070 GPU.

In case you missed it, last week, Developer Andras Ketzer released FluidNinja LIVE 1.8, a brand new version of the developer's fluid simulation tool for character and environment VFX. The update brought a new SplineMesh generator for creating realistic rivers, a new utility blueprint to connect FN with landscape components, and underwater caustics support for the first two features.

To better demonstrate the capabilities of the add-on's new and improved version, Andras also presented an amazing river simulation achieved with FluidNinja LIVE 1.8 and Unreal Engine. According to the creator, the simulation runs in 2K at 110 FPS on a GTX 1070 GPU. The demonstration shows that by utilizing the power of the plug-in, one can run gorgeous simulations even on older graphics cards.

"River scene STATS: HD screen-res, 2K sim-res – 8.23 ms/frame (121 FPS) with sim ON + watersurface VISIBLE – 5.42 ms/frame (184 FPS) with sim OFF + watersurf. INVISIBLE – Conclusion: 2.81 ms/frame to run the fluidsim and render SingleLayerWater based composite output material," commented Andras.

You can learn more and purchase the latest version of FluidNinja LIVE by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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