
Project Old Republic: Star Wars in UE4

A small team of developers is building a remake of the beloved Star Wars RPG with the help of the newest engine from Epic Games.

Star Wars: Knights of The Republic is back with Project Old Republic: Apeiron. Fan version of the game is being reamastered with the help of Unreal Engine 4. Project Old Republic: Apeiron is reported to get new worlds, voice acting, world builder and a complete redesign of UI and HUD.

Project Old Republic: Apeiron

When the development is finished, the game is said to be released for free, though, there is a probability that Disney will do something about the use of their own IP as Konami did when they blocked Metal Gear fan remake. Hopefully, that is not the case and Apeiron will be released.

Project Old Republic: Apeiron

Project Old Republic: Apeiron is a remake of the Knights of the Old Republic, beloved title published back in 2003. Developers state that their project is completely legal as no price will be charged (they know Star Wars is owned by Disney).

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You can’t help bring this brand new game to life just now, developers are not ready to receive donations yet. Still, they will appreciate if you tell your  friends about it by Twitter, Facebook, Twitch or any other means. Let us know if you are excited about Project Old Republic: Apeiron in the comments below.

The project is being created with the help of Unreal Engine 4 and you can really see it from the published screenshots. We’ll just have to wait and see how the whole thing will work out.

source: overclock3d.net

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