
Lighting Baking for Interiors with GPU Lightmass in UE4

Check out a quick walkthrough from William Faucher on how to do lighting baking for interior scenes with GPU lightmass in Unreal Engine 4.26.

William Faucher, VFX and digital artist, shared a quick walkthrough of setting up a lighting baking for interior scenes with GPU lightmass in UE 4.26. The guide is based on a 2-hour live stream on the same topic and includes the key highlights from it. 


  • Initial setup: RTX GPU and enabled raytracing and virtual texturing in Project Settings
  • Scene setup: adding post process volume, turning off auto exposure, disabling raytracing in the viewport, adding different types of light
  • Lightmap UV’s: tricks and tips with UVs channels
  • Lightmap resolution settings
  • Lightmap compression to get cleaner bakes
  • Baking HDRIs 

The tutorial has a handful of tips and explanations on the settings. Check William’s YouTube channel for more.  Don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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