
Learn How to Set Up Lighting for Differents Conditions in Unreal Engine

Amit Ginni Patpatia will teach you useful tricks in a 5-part course.

Image credit: Amit Ginni Patpatia

Lighting is crucial for any art project and can drastically change the viewer's perception, so it's important to know how to work with it. Lead Lighting Artist Amit Ginni Patpatia can help you with this in his course on lighting for Unreal Engine. 

There, you'll see how to set it up just right for different conditions: day, night, overcast, sunset, enclosed spaces, and more. There are 5 parts to help you master the tools. First, you will learn how to measure and expose your lighting using realistic values and adjust it accordingly using curves.

Image credit: Amit Ginni Patpatia

"Before you even get that far you need to understand PBR material and how to edit the material to be more correct and accurate for this workflow, so we stop by Photoshop and Quixel Bridge to get a good starting base. This will train you to spot poor environments and troubleshoot why your lighting is poor. Once you do that your lighting will be drastically better."

Image credit: Amit Ginni Patpatia

You'll see another way of setting up the sky and adjusting fog and understand how exposure and light differ in overcast. Patpatia will talk about texture, materials, and the candle effect, and you'll measure your lighting for the night and get it physically correct. 

Then, he will explain how to quickly relight the environment in another way, talk about some art fundamentals, fixing water, and optimization. Finally, Patpatia will discuss moveable lighting workflow and mindset to deal with real-time lighting. 

Image credit: Amit Ginni Patpatia

The whole course is worth $500, according to the creator, but you can get it much cheaper now. Here are the links:

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Comments 1

  • Patpatia Amit

    Thanks for the call out. At the moment it is only available at main webpage.


    Patpatia Amit

    ·3 months ago·

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