
Learn How to Make Weather and Nature in Houdini

Check out these 5 tutorials that will teach you how to simulate clouds and bodies of water in Houdini.

1. Houdini Tutorial | Waterfall

In this tutorial, you will learn how to work with references and how to simulate a waterfall using Height Fields, FLIP fluid, and the Whitewater system. This tutorial offers a deeper understanding of fluid parameters and teaches you the operation step by step.

In this course, you will:

  • Grasp key factors that affect waterfall dynamics and know how to practically control the dynamics in Houdini.
  • Master the influence of different parameters on FLIP dynamics and how to add more FLIP surface details by noise.
  • Learn how to optimize and convert FLIP to mesh.
  • Learn how to customize the whitewater source and how some parameters work in Whitewater Solver.
  • Learn how to adjust related materials, how to set multi-channel and some parameters in the Mantra renderer, as well as how to simply composite the effect.
  • Get a bunch of experience and creation ideas to improve production efficiency.

2. Houdini Tutorial | Realistic Dynamic Clouds

This course will help you to learn how to simulate clouds. With 19 lessons and about 10 hours in duration, you will be taught every single step of creating your own clouds.

This tutorial will teach you:

  • Reference analysis
  • Fluid simulation
  • Scene setup
  • Lighting
  • Rendering
  • Final compositing

3. Houdini Shoal and Wave Hip File

The third course of today's digest is about creating crystal clear seawater material and a fascinating beach wave foam effect. Keep in mind that users should have a basic understanding of VEX.


  • Wave tank ocean force field
  • Customized process of converting FLIP to Mesh
  • Whitewater Solver
  • Wet map
  • Caustics effect in compositing

4. Water FX In Houdini

Learn how to create a full range of water FX including oceans, crashing shore waves, and diving whales. An FX veteran Igor Zanic will share his expertise in this exciting course.

This course will teach you: 

  • Overview of water simulation in Houdini 17 and the new workflow.
  • Fine-tune the setting to create the final high-res simulation.
  • Challenges and how to approach solving various problems.
  • Lighting and shading the whale jump ocean scene.
  • And more

5. Houdini Fundamentals

If you are pretty new at Houdini, you should definitely check out this course. Houdini Fundamentals will give you a strong base that you can build upon forever. This is the perfect course for anyone looking to start their VFX career.

This course consists of 8 lessons:

  • Week 01 | Intro & Fundamental Concepts
  • Week 02 | Geometry
  • Week 03 | Simulations POPs & Pyro
  • Week 04 | Simulations RBD & Flip
  • Week 05 | Lighting, Shading & Rendering
  • Week 06 | Advanced Houdini
  • Week 07 | Advanced Simulations Part 1
  • Week 08 | Advanced Simulations Part 2

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