
KIRI Engine Introduces 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing on Smartphones

Technological evolution at your fingertips.

3D Gaussian Splatting is a tech breakthrough that lets you look at 3D from a new angle, and it's now in your hands with the latest update to KIRI Engine. The 3D scanning app introduced 3D Gaussian Splatting in November, but now, you can not only get a model from a photo but also edit it on your smartphone.

"3D Gaussian Splatting, or 3DGS, bypasses traditional mesh and texture requirements by using machine learning to produce photorealistic visualizations directly from photos, and in KIRI’s method, a short video. This method of 3D scanning allows for real-time rendering with unprecedented accuracy, and KIRI Innovations has brought it to Android, iOS, and WEB platforms."

Image credit: KIRI Innovations

3D Gaussian Splatting is a rendering technique that leverages 3D Gaussians to represent the scene, thus allowing one to synthesize 3D scenes out of 2D footage. Simply put, it takes samples of images and turns them into 3D scenes without creating meshes by converting a point cloud to gaussians using machine learning. You can learn more about it here.

With KIRI Engine, you can interact with 3DGS files thanks to the new editing functions:

  1. Sphere Cropping: This feature allows users to crop their 3D scenes using a spherical shape. It offers two modes: cropping everything within the sphere or everything outside it, providing flexibility in refining the scene.
  2. Plane Tool: Users can now slice their scenes with plane shapes, offering a new dimension of control and creativity in structuring their 3D environments.
  3. Brush Tool: This manual tool lets users define specific areas of their scene they want to include or exclude. The adjustable brush size caters to both broad and fine edits.

You can then reposition, rotate, and scale the scene before exporting it.

Image credit: KIRI Innovations

"3DGS has not been directly editable on any mobile devices in the past, and scenes would stay in the exact way the algorithm determines. With the editing capabilities added to this brand-new technique of 3D visualization, KIRI Innovations is paving the way for more advanced, user-friendly, and practical applications of 3DGS technology. Additionally, 3DGS has been a known solution to combat the difficulties of analyzing reflective/shiny surfaces. Therefore, with the added editing functionality, we are one step closer to being able to scan and work with anything the camera captures!"

If you'd like to see 3D Gaussian Splatting in action, take a look at Bad Decisions Studio turning scenes from famous movies into 3D scenes. A team of researchers also presented 4D Gaussian Splatting, a new method for achieving real-time dynamic scene rendering with high training and storage efficiency – something worth checking out.

Image credit: Huawei, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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