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"I'm Sure I Deserve a Lot of Criticism," Embracer's CEO Says

Even though it was harsh, that was "the mission" the company had.

Image credit: Eidos-Montréal

After laying off nearly 1,400 people, the closure of 7 studios, and around 29 games being canceled, Embracer has finally finished its restructuring process

In a recent interview with Games.Industry.biz, CEO of Embracer Lars Wingefors responded to the criticism, stating that he admits it, as the restructuring process was harsh indeed.

"As a leader and an owner, sometimes you need to take the blame and you need to be humble about if you've made mistakes and if you could have done something differently," shared Wingefors with GamesIndustry.biz.

"I'm sure I deserve a lot of criticism, but I don't think my team or companies deserve all the criticism. I could take a lot of that blame myself. But ultimately I need to believe in the mission we set out and that is still valid, and we are now enabling that by doing this [new] structure."

Previously, we reported that Embracer has divided into three separate entities: Coffee Stain, Middle-Earth, and Asmodee, each specializing in various aspects of the current business.

Earlier on, the company sold Borderlands developer Gearbox for $460 million, having purchased it for around $1.3 billion over three years ago. Amidst these changes, Wingefors emphasized the alignment among Embracer's top leaders regarding the company's direction.

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