
Hideki Kamiya Absolutely Destroys Nintendo Switch 2 Leakers on Twitter

"I hope that all of the people who leaked Switch 2 information always have poop on the soles of their shoes when they get home."

Over the years, the legendary developer and game director behind Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 2, and the Bayonetta series Hideki Kamiya has built a reputation for speaking his mind without any filters or sugarcoating – drawing both criticism and admiration online. Staying true to form, the creator recently took to Twitter to absolutely tear into those he loathes and despises, which, in this case, were the individuals responsible for the numerous leaks that had preceded the official announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2 console, shared by Nintendo yesterday.

In his latest tirade, Kamiya slammed the leakers and their accomplices, calling them "the worst of scum" and wishing that they would be "cursed for the rest of their lives to always have poop on the soles of their shoes when they get home." (via Google Translate) The developer went on to say that a typical leaker "only acts for his own pleasure and self-satisfaction, not only is he not contributing to anyone's benefit, he is incurring all sorts of opportunity losses, and has done nothing to be proud of in front of others," and for that "should be covered in sh*t from head to toe and thrown out of the atmosphere." 

"These damn leakers are in a position of responsibility where they have access to information that only a very select few know, yet what they do is nothing more than an expression of a filthy desire for approval that lacks a shred of rationality; they are shameful people, so it is not the manufacturers whose secrets have been exposed who should be blamed, but these damn people, and they need to be crushed as soon as possible," Kamiya commented.

While a few commenters questioned Kamiya's decision to defend Nintendo, suggesting that the company's silence was a marketing strategy to encourage people to buy Nintendo Switch despite the impending release of Nintendo Switch 2, most users supported the developer's stance. Whether this support is because Kamiya typically bans those he disagrees with – or sometimes does so randomly – is open to debate.

Speaking of Nintendo Switch 2 leaks, according to former Nintendo PR managers Kit Ellis and Krysta Yang, the company is most likely "really mad – to the most severe level" and "very, very, very upset" about so much information about their new handheld being spread online before it was officially revealed:

And what do you think about Kamiya's take? Do you agree that leakers are the scum of the earth, or do you see them as truth-seeking saints or something in between? Let us know in the comments!

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