
Here Is What GTA 6 Trailer Looks Like In Real Life

Florida Joker is back for more unpaid labor.

The exceedingly popular GTA 6 trailer is full of real-life places and personalities. What if you could see them all as they are? You can, thanks to Andrew Levitt and his team, who turned the game trailer into a real deal.

Levitt used to recreate games regularly but retired last year. However, when he saw the new trailer from Rockstar, he just had to do what he does best. He and his production partner Jacob flew to Miami to track down every location from the trailer and capture the same scenes.

Image credit: Rockstar

Image credit: Andrew Levitt

The result is extremely impressive. If you didn't catch some of the references in the original video, you can see them in Levitt's version. Yes, Florida Joker is back again with more work no one paid him for

Levitt also shot the scenes with the main characters but with bananas instead of guns – that's dedication. You can see the behind-the-scenes here:

If you think the GTA 6 real-life trailer is cool, check out the creator's older works on The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, Minecraft, and more.

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