
Blender-Made Tool For Making 3D Hard-Surface Models Look Damaged

Jesse Miettinen showcased a neat Geometry Nodes-powered setup created for Pwnisher's ongoing challenge.

Take a look at this fantastic Blender-made tool that lets one apply procedural damage to 3D hard-surface models, set up by Procedural Artist Jesse Miettinen as part of his submission for Chasm's Call, an ongoing challenge by Pwnisher that tasks creators to convey a sense of depth with their art pieces.

Powered by Geometry Nodes, the tool masks out areas on the model, uses the base topology to generate beams, bolts, hanging cords, and twisted panels, and creates a mask for the shader to add some extra details. According to the artist, the tool can be applied "anywhere that has at least some amount of topology to paint on," saving the user time by eliminating the need to set up the damage manually.

Earlier, Jesse also showcased his work-in-progress procedural birch tree generator featuring "superfast canopy calculations, wind, and root deformations":

And before that, the artist experimented with layering multiple rain effects based on geometry and made all of his Blender add-ons – yes, literally all of them – available for free.

See more of Jesse's works here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our new Discord server, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTelegramTikTok, and Threads, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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