
A Real-Time Cloth Simulation in Unreal Engine 5

Giulio Marrone Dittli demonstrated a custom cloth simulation system made using Chaos Physics directly in UE5.

Character Artist Giulio Marrone Dittli demonstrated an amazing custom-made system for cloth simulation in Unreal Engine 5, created by Giulio for his passion project Arbennian, inspired by Warhammer 40k. According to a short character animation, shared by the author and created by 3D Animator Aron Durkin, the system works in real-time directly in UE5 and allows for accurate cloth physics without any artifacts. The goal of the entire project was to use Unreal Engine 5 as much as possible, including simulations.

"The complicated aspect of the project came with the idea to simulate the cape of the character using Chaos Physics directly inside the engine," commented the creator on the idea behind the system. "It took roughly three months to come up with a custom system that would allow the character to have total freedom of motion without creating artifacts. Especially considering that the cloth was double-sided with thickness and needed to have two different types of materials."

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    hi, when will you share it so we can all use it? seems incredible. to think the people at unreal can't make a this, and you can really shows how talented you really are. well done.


    Anonymous user

    ·10 months ago·

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